Review: Yaro Starak's Blog Mastermind Program
Above: Yaro talks to me about Blog Mastermind
One of the big challenges facing any author is how to establish a relationship with your readers and maintain it.
In addition, marketing budgets are low or non-existent for most newly published authors or bloggers.
My last book, Blessing of the Animals was designed to drive readers to the book’s website which had an opt-in email list and a blog.
Today I am overhauling the site (and this one--I have about 10 so be patient) so that it will be blog (web journal) that allows two way communication with my readership or visitors who are surfing the web and who land on the site.
Let me tell you why.
I just ended a year long investment into two programs by Yaro Starak. If you don’t know who Yaro Starak is—you probably are new to blogging.
Yaro Starak's programs are great for writers or authors because they can help you build your audience and monetize (teach you to make an income) your blog in the process.
It wasn't too long ago that Yaro began blogging and quickly shot to the top of the heap as on of the most successful and well known internet bloggers.
If you are going to spend time and energy blogging—shouldn’t you do it right? Shouldn’t you make money in the process?
Yes, do it right and make money!
I've taken the advice and despite health challenges and other setbacks my blogs that were projects in Yaro Starak's Blog Mastermind program are bringing in passive income.
Let me give you a bit of history on my experience with Yaro Starak and state right now that it is my recommendation that you enroll in his Blog Mastermind Program. I don't often recommend or review programs (and yes, I am an affiliate) but this is a gem.
If you are a skeptic, start with his free resources—the Blog Profits Blueprint and the Become a Blogger tutorials--but don’t miss out on the Blog Mastermind Program because it opens up to new students this month and he only takes so many students per session.

I first learned of Yaro Starak during a teleseminar about podcasting. A novice at the effort, I was glad that he shared vital information that helped me right away. In addition, I liked what he had to say and the personality that he presented.
So, when he invited listeners to opt-in to his email list—I joined.
That was in 2006 and boy am I glad I did.
It was just last year when he invited me to get involved in the early launch of his Blog Mastermind Program. It was so great that I continued into the beta Mastermind Membership Program.
Yaro Starak reopens the Blog Mastermind Program to a new group of students perodically and I HIGHLY recommend it. The program is by far one of the best values for the investment.
If you want an overview into what the program delves into, take a moment and download the Blog Profits Blueprint by Yaro Starak (if you did not do so already). The free download gives you an inkling of how generous the guy is—but the blueprint only scratches the surface.
The Blog Mastermind Program is a series of twenty-seven lessons delivered once a week to your email address. You just click on the link and read the assignment.
In addition, you can participate in a membership only forum, ask questions of advanced bloggers (including Yaro), and listen to audio interviews from some of the top bloggers and marketers, such as Darren Rowse (Problogger), Brian Clark (Copyblogger), and a whole lot more.
As they say, “but that’s not all” since you will also be able to view video case studies and tutorials where Yaro reviews blogs and makes suggestions for change or reveals tools or techniques you might have missed.
One of the other perks is that you get to network with other students. If you feel alone out there--you won't in this program. Everyone tries to help each other and you build some good online pals in the process.
Now, I do have to admit that I wasn’t happy with Starak’s review of one of my blogs—but he was right and that is what I was paying him for—to help me optimize and make it work for me. Now that blog is doing more than I expected--you can see the before and after blog makeover at this review on the Fawnskin Flyer.
The program is well worth the price and at least one other review said that she would be “willing to invest much more in it than I would have in any other product.” So let’s talk about the program:
First, blogging takes time and growing your audience, traffic, and any profits come from time invested. Yaro Starak makes a pretty good income from his blogging. Will you?
I haven’t yet but with the Blog Mastermind Program you’ll be guided closer to that goal and I am making some money now--which I had not done the previous couple of years prior to enrolling!
Blog Mastermind is a great step-by-step guide, and the time frame for the assignments allows you to absorb all the lessons but if you don’t—those that complete the program have lifetime access to the course and any new goodies that will be added in the future.
One of the things I really liked was that Yaro Starak explains tough concepts clearly and serves them up in bite size pieces.
My bottom line assessment is that Yaro Starak’s Blog Mastermind Program will equip you with all the tools you need to make money blogging. The program support is excellent. I am still very happy I joined.
The Blog Mastermind Program teaches you how to implement strategies to help you make money. It does take is not a get rich quick scheme and has integrity.
The Blog Mastermind Program is worth the money and I encourage you to join.

Read the Blog Mastermind Sales Page
Download the Blog Profits Blueprint Now
Learn How to Blog
Labels: blog mastermind, blog profits blueprint, instant teleseminar review, yaro starak
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